Author: Admin

Insights to Outcome through real-time Innovation, Learning and Work Orchestration

Insights to Outcomes Customer North Star

Insights to Outcomes Customer Agility Framework ™

Insights to Outcomes is a unique function of the Customer Agility Framework ™ and is the central axis of all data systems and interactions involved in it. It focuses all work around attaining the Customer North Star in the first instance, then add the filters of the Business North Star and the Technical North Star…
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October 6, 2023 0
Customer Agility Framework ™ Logo

Soft Launch of Customer Agility Framework ™ Announced

The Customer Agility Framework ™ will become available at  9am UCT+0 on the 29th of September 2023. The Customer Agility Framework ™ is anew and better way of working The Customer Agility Framework ™ uses the latest thinking around artificial intelligence and automation to support data driven decision making with real-time insights for strategy alignment, governance,…
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September 13, 2023 0