Soft Launch of Customer Agility Framework ™ Announced

Insights to Outcome through real-time Innovation, Learning and Work Orchestration

Soft Launch of Customer Agility Framework ™ Announced

September 13, 2023 Press Release 0
Customer Agility Framework ™ Logo

The Customer Agility Framework ™ will become available at  9am UCT+0 on the 29th of September 2023.

Customer Agility Framework ™

The Customer Agility Framework ™ is a
new and better way of working

The Customer Agility Framework ™ uses the latest thinking around artificial intelligence and automation to support data driven decision making with real-time insights for strategy alignment, governance, security, resilience, financial control, prioritisation and regulatory compliance.

As Artificial Intelligence becomes pervasive is it serving your organisation or your competitors?

Deciding where to use AI and where to focus unique human capability is the next great business evolution


The Customer Agility Framework ™ defines how to use AI effectively from Insight to Outcome,  through the Customer, Business and Technical North Star’s to provide decision point information for your whole organisation.


Customer Agility Framework ™ focuses on customer journey based orginizational design that own’s products, services and the way to run and change them though a single software system.


Be noticeably different and better than your competitors by aligning your flow of work around delivering positive outcomes for customers (users), colleagues, clients, shareholders and your balance sheet.

The Customer Agility Framework ™ uses the latest thinking around artificial intelligence and automation to support data driven decision making with real-time insights and oversight for strategy alignment, governance, security, resilience, financial control, prioritisation and regulatory compliance.


The Customer Agility Framework ™ supports the attracting and retaining of customers by building customer loyalty and potential customer engagement through facilitating a direct responses to customer needs.

The Customer Agility Framework ™ will focus your entire organisation on listening to customers and colleagues in real-time to define the next work to be undertaken.  It will enshrine a flexible way of working that supports an immediate response to changes in your target market, perceptions and opportunities.

The Customer Agility Framework ™ created by Agile World ® Incorporated 501(c)(3) nonprofit.